Monday, September 24, 2012

My bedroom!

I didn't have much that went on today, so I thought I would do a small tour of my bedroom.  My bedroom's colors are pink, black and white.  I do not like the colors, but my mom made me have them. 

I have a four poster bed with a black and white bedpread and matching pillows.  I like to jump on it, and swing from the rails.  I get in trouble when I do this, because it hits my chandelier and knocks off the glass things. 
My favorite part of my bedroom is the big heart mirror on my wall.  It is white and matches my dressers. 
I have two small closets.  One holds my clothes, and the other one has my shoes and purses.  My bedroom is pretty easy to keep clean because I don't put any of my books or toys in it.
Lately, I have been sleeping in my bedroom every night.  I don't like it much and would rather be sleeping on my mom and dad's bedroom floor.  Next year, my mom said I could have my brother Dalles' bedroom.  It will be awesome because it has a bathroom.  She wouldn't let me this year, because she doesn't want to paint it again.  I can't wait to move in there. 

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