Thursday, September 20, 2012

I like to ride the bus!

Have I mentioned that I don't like mornings?  Well, I don't.  But this week, I have done a really good job at getting up and getting ready.  If I get up early enough, I can ride the school bus.  It leaves my bus stop at 7:13.  I like my partners on the bus.  We have to sit in assigned seats.  Their names are Rose and Violet.  They are two of the triplets that live around the corner from me.  Rose likes to talk and draw.  Violet likes to read all of the time.  Rose and I talk to each other during the bus ride to school.  Violet usually reads. 

This week I have ridden the bus three out of four days.  Fridays are early out and that means we get more kids that ride our bus on the way home.  We have a contest where whichever side of the bus is the quietest, they get a treat.  I love riding the school bus.  It is awesome!

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