Friday, September 28, 2012


This is my dog Rio!  Santa Claus brought her to me the day before Christmas Eve last year!  Rio is a girl Jack Russell Terrier.  She was born around Halloween time which makes her a Fall baby.  Her 1st birthday is coming up.  Rio has been a very fun dog for me.  She always wants to play and run.  We play a game called the Rio game where I jump from one side of the trampoline to the other.  My trampoline is in the ground, so she chases me around and around and tries to nip me.  I like to take Rio on walks and bike rides.  She never loses energy.  I also don't have to tie her up.  She never leaves our house.  I love my puppy with all my heart. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

My bedroom!

I didn't have much that went on today, so I thought I would do a small tour of my bedroom.  My bedroom's colors are pink, black and white.  I do not like the colors, but my mom made me have them. 

I have a four poster bed with a black and white bedpread and matching pillows.  I like to jump on it, and swing from the rails.  I get in trouble when I do this, because it hits my chandelier and knocks off the glass things. 
My favorite part of my bedroom is the big heart mirror on my wall.  It is white and matches my dressers. 
I have two small closets.  One holds my clothes, and the other one has my shoes and purses.  My bedroom is pretty easy to keep clean because I don't put any of my books or toys in it.
Lately, I have been sleeping in my bedroom every night.  I don't like it much and would rather be sleeping on my mom and dad's bedroom floor.  Next year, my mom said I could have my brother Dalles' bedroom.  It will be awesome because it has a bathroom.  She wouldn't let me this year, because she doesn't want to paint it again.  I can't wait to move in there. 

Friday, September 21, 2012


My mom is making me write this post on my blog as part of  punishment for what I did today.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I like to ride the bus!

Have I mentioned that I don't like mornings?  Well, I don't.  But this week, I have done a really good job at getting up and getting ready.  If I get up early enough, I can ride the school bus.  It leaves my bus stop at 7:13.  I like my partners on the bus.  We have to sit in assigned seats.  Their names are Rose and Violet.  They are two of the triplets that live around the corner from me.  Rose likes to talk and draw.  Violet likes to read all of the time.  Rose and I talk to each other during the bus ride to school.  Violet usually reads. 

This week I have ridden the bus three out of four days.  Fridays are early out and that means we get more kids that ride our bus on the way home.  We have a contest where whichever side of the bus is the quietest, they get a treat.  I love riding the school bus.  It is awesome!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I learned how to play Four Square today.

I learned how to play the game Four Square during P.E. today.  This is how you play it.  There needs to be four squares outlined on cement or you can put small cones into four squares.  Label the squares 1-4.  You need a person to stand in each square.  The person in the #1 square is the server.  They bounce a ball and serve it in another square - any square they want to.  When the ball is in another square, it has to bounce once and then the person is suppose to bounce it into another square.  If the person in the square misses, they are out or they move to the bottom square.  It depends on how many people are playing. 

It was the best game ever!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Today at cheer class, we worked on our jumps and three person-pyramids.  I'm really tall so I get to be in the bottom and hold my friend, Gracie, up.  Sometimes I wish I could be at the top, but I'm too tall. 

We also worked on herkies.  I'm trying to get mine higher. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Looking for a Halloween costume!

I took my Halloween costume magazine to my mom's work.  My friend, Connie, and I went through the magazine to try and pick out some good costumes.  We ran the numbers for my mom.  Some of the costumes I really liked were: Padma, Princess Lea dog, little girl Zorro, Candy Land fairy, Indian Princess, and a vampira. 

I'm excited for Halloween this year.  My Aunt Hollie is throwing a Halloween party.  I wish it was going to be a sleepover, but I don't think it will be. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Cleaned my room - oh yeah!

Today was early out from school.  I wanted to play with my friends, but I had to clean my room first.  It was a pigsty.  It took me two hours to get everything cleaned up!  I had clothes on my floor, and dolls messed up in their houses.  I had all of my art supplies out and all over the place.  My Build-a-Bears were everywhere.  I got distracted a lot during the cleaning, and it seemed to take forever.  This time I'm going to try really hard to keep it cleaner. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Have you tried Netflix? I highly recommend!

I love Netflix.  It has a whole bunch of movies that I can watch anytime I want to.  My favorite Netflix T.V. show is Avatar: The Last Airbender.  My favorite movie actor is Adam Sandler.  He is so funny.  I especially love Billy Madison, Mr. Deeds and Waterboy.  My mom won't let me watch some of his movies though.  If you don't have Netflix, you should consider trying it out.  I love it.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I Rocked My Math Test!!! Woohoo!

This year, our school started a different kind of math.  It has been very hard for me.  We were given math books, which are also called text books.  I have been very stressed out about learning this new kind of math.  We have had lots of math homework. 

Today was our first math test on the computer.  I was a little nervous.  I ended up ROCKING the test.  My teacher gave out prizes for anyone who got in the 90s on the test.  My friend, Lillie, and I were the only ones in our whole class who got a prize.  She picked bubbles, even though that what I wanted.  I picked a candybar.  I was so happy that I tried my hardest, and only missed two on the test!!!  Good day!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to Tumbling!

When I got out of school, I ended up being confused about where I was going.  My tumbling teacher, JoAnn, said that I was going with her to tumbling.  My bff, Ashtyn, said I was going with her and her mom.  My mom had told me that she would pick me up.  I decided to pick, and ended up going with JoAnn. 

I was really excited to start tumbling again.  We practiced handsprings, jumped on the trampoline, and did handstands.  After tumbling,  I went to ballet.  It was not a happy lesson, because we did a lot of barre, and everyone was talking.  We almost didn't get a treat.  The fun part was dancing in silence.  It was awesome because we did emotions like - in love, happy, mad, sad, your best friend's a boy and you just saw your best friend. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I want to be a Cub Scout!

After school, I went to play with James.  He was suppose to go to Cub Scouts, so I went along.  We went to his neighbor's swimming pool.  I ended up swimming in my clothes because I didn't have swimsuit.  We swung on rope and dropped into the pool.  Some kids could swing all the way to the other end of the pool.  I tried it, and ended up being able to do it.  I went through all of the Cub Scout activities - like racing, jumping in and racing with life jackets, and other swim races.