Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Boringest Day Ever

Today was so boring I thought I'd die.  At school, we did a lot of math.  After math, we did our vocabulary words.  It was a very bad lunch of corn dogs, apple sauce, lettuce and a kind of cold roll.  After recess, we did even more math and finished our vocabulary words. 

During the first two recesses, I played Monster High dolls with some of my friends.  At the last recess, I played with my two toy animals: a cheetah and water buffalo.  After school, my mom picked me up and took me to dance class.  I threw a fake rubber rock at Ashtyn.  She laughed.  We played a fun game at dance class called Ships and Sailors. 

After I got home, I went over to my friend James' house.  We had a water fight.  It was kind of fun.  I came home and started to pack for my trip to Lake Powell.  I'm excited to go there and knee board.  That was the boringest day ever.  Can't wait for tomorrow!

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